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Презентација на тему: "FIRST DRAFT OF THE REVISED ACTION PLAN FOR CHAPTER 23"— Транскрипт презентације:


2 First benchmark Serbia ensures an effective, close and permanent monitoring of the implementation of its Action Plan in the field of Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, through a robust and multidisciplinary mechanism, paying particular attention to the adequacy of human and financial resources, institutional capacity, training requirements, the respect of set deadlines, a real dialogue with civil society and adequate consideration of their proposals and which can trigger corrective measures as required

3 The necessity of revising the Action Plan for Chapter 23
The revision of the Action Plan was necessary in order to: 1. Make an overview of the activities that clearly point to the future direction 2. Make interventions that properly reflect recommendations of the Screening report for Chapter 23 3. Remedy difficulties encountered in realization and monitoring of the implementation of the activities

4 Key interventions: IBM was added to each recommendation of the Screening report The activities that were fully implemented were deleted Some activities have been reformulated / (re)defined The timelines were changed and realistically set in relation to the realization of each activity individually A particular institution stated as being responsible for the implementation of each individual activity Financial resources have not been yet defined - a longer period for their harmonization and evaluation is required so that they do not represent a limitation, but support for the implementation

5 As an example: text of IBM added to the recommendation of the Screening Report
ПРЕПОРУКА ИЗ ИЗВЕШТАЈА О СКРИНИНГУ РЕЗУЛТАТ СПРОВОЂЕЊА ПРЕПОРУКЕ ИНДИКАТОР УТИЦАЈА  1.1.7. Обезбедити учешће цивилног друштва и струковних удружења у дефинисању будућих корака у реформском процесу, као и у надзору над спровођењем акционих планова. Организације цивилног друштва и струковна удружења учествују у дефинисању будућих корака у реформском процесу, као и у надзору над спровођењем акционих планова. Предлози и коментари цивилног друштва и струковних удружења, везани за дефинисање будућих корака у реформском процесу који се редовно разматрају на састанцима надлежних рела за надзор над применом АП23 , редовно се разматрају на састанцима тела за надзор над спровођењем акционих планова (Комисија за спровођење Националне стратегије реформе правосуђа за период 2013- 2018. године). Текст прелазне мере: ЕУ позива Србију да осигура учешће свих релевантних заинтересованих страна, укључујући и оних из цивилног друштва и струковних организација који су укључени у дефинисању даљих корака у процесу реформи и надзора над спровођењем реформи. Министарство правде

6 As an example: Recommendation and activity deleted as fully implemented
ПРЕПОРУКА ИЗ ИЗВЕШТАЈА О СКРИНИНГУ РЕЗУЛТАТ СПРОВОЂЕЊА ПРЕПОРУКЕ ИНДИКАТОР УТИЦАЈА Осигурати избор преосталих председника судова (посебно основних и виших судова). Изабрани преостали председници основних и виших судова. Свим судовима руководе изабрани председници. АКТИВНОСТИ НОСИЛАЦ АКТИВНОС ТИ РОК ФИНАНСИЈС КИ РЕСУРСИ ПОКАЗАТЕЉИ РЕЗУЛТАТА Народна скупштина бира преостале председнике судова на предлог Високог савета судства. -Високи савет судства -Народна скупштина IV квaртaл 2016. гoдинe Буџет Републике Србије Активност занемарљивих трошкова Изaбрaни преостали прeдсeдници судoвa (основних и виших). Министарство правде

7 As an example: Activity (re)defined
Формирање и праћење рада припремних одељења у судовима задужених, између осталог, за вредновање предмета по тежини (пондерисање предмета). -Високи савет судства Сви судови (Председници судова) Континуирано, почев од I квартала 2019 Буџетирано у оквиру активности . ( IPA Ефикасност правосуђа €) ИПА 2016 – ГИЗ пројекат за подршку ВСС Формирање и праћење рада припремних одељења у јавним тужилаштвима задужених, између осталог, за пондерисање предмета. -Државно веће тужилаца / Високи савет тужилаца Током I и II квартала године Континуирано Буџетирано у оквиру активности Буџет РС  . ( IPA 2012-Ефикасност правосуђа €) Формирана припремна одељења у јавним тужилаштвима. Министарство правде

8 All activities can be divided into several groups:
Normative regulation and harmonisation Institutional and administrative capacity building Enhancement of skills and competencies through adequate educational programs Two types of indicators: Impact indicators (at the level of recommendation) Result indicators (at the level of activity)

9 Involvement of relevant stakeholders
In line with the negotiating framework, the first draft of the revised Action Plan was developed through a process of consultation with representatives of key stakeholders in order to provide full support for its implementation The text of the revised Action Plan was published on the website of the Ministry of Justice on January 21, 2019, with the intention to present to a wider, general and expert public the interventions performed

10 The flow of the revision process:
1. 13 February 2018 – first meeting of the Negotiation Group for Chapter 23 was held on the topic of the revision needed to the Action Plan 2. The First draft of the revised AP23 was made after the first meeting, on the basis of internal analysis provided by stakeholders 3. Simultaneously, bilateral meetings were held with representatives of stakeholders in all three sub-chapters 4. On 13 December the working text of the revised AP23 was submitted to all stakeholders responsible for its implementation for further discussion 5. 17 December 2018 – second meeting of the Negotiation Group for Chapter 23 was held in order to constructively discuss the interventions made in the revised AP23 6. After that, several more bilateral meetings with the institutions were organized, where needed 7. 21 January 2019 – the first draft of the revised Action Plan was published on the website of the Ministry of Justice A significant contribution to the expert work is expected from the representatives of civil society and professional associations, through consultative process and public debates, until the finalization of the final text!

11 Next steps: The text of the First Draft of the Revised Action Plan for Chapter 23 is published on the website of the Ministry of Justice with the call for the civil society organizations and public at large to submit proposals and suggestions. Deadline for submission is 8 February, 2019 After that, as part of the public consultation process, interested parties will have the opportunity to present their comments or suggestions After reviewing the comments and submitted suggestions, the Ministry of Justice will develop a new draft of the revised Action Plan for Chapter 23 and send it to the European Commission for opinion as well as to all stakeholders, for further discussion

12 Action Plan Structure Judiciary: Independence
Impartiality and accountability  Professionalism /competence/ efficiency War crimes Fight against corruption:  Implementation of anti-corruption measures Prevention of corruption Repression of corruption Fundamental rights: Prohibition of torture, degrading and ill-treatment and punishment Ombudsman, the Provincial Ombudsman and Ombudsman offices at local level Prison system Freedom of thought, conscience and religion Freedom of expression, including freedom and pluralism of the media Principle of anti-discrimination and position of socially vulnerable groups Procedural safeguards Position of national minorities Position of refugees and internally displaced persons Measures against Racism and Xenophobia Personal data protection

13 Interim benchmark: For all above areas, Serbia fully recognises and exploits the benefits of civil society expertise and therefore engages in a real and systematic dialogue with civil society

14 Thank you for your attention!
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