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Отпремање презентације траје. Молимо да сачекате

Dear friends my name is GM , I am CM of NI, learn, listen take notes and give homework to my companies, my regioin,but also today to presnt to you coampouen,

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Презентација на тему: "Dear friends my name is GM , I am CM of NI, learn, listen take notes and give homework to my companies, my regioin,but also today to presnt to you coampouen,"— Транскрипт презентације:

1 Dear friends my name is GM , I am CM of NI, learn, listen take notes and give homework to my companies, my regioin,but also today to presnt to you coampouen, clsuter and region with big potential ,more specifically story about business association who has cohesive role in community made of people who bel;ieve that our industry must be drivers of development and fast progress . reday to keep best of tradiotion and to change in orderer to be best kako da ostanem isti, kako da sacuvam sebe od promene, samo putem promene, moramo da se menjamo, da bismo sacuvali najbolje u sebi I bili jos bolji to je poruke koju kao menager I trener preching last 10 yers. You know that for suscessful change you have to have cham,pios. So I will give story about champions of change

2 NI CAT- Niski klaster naprednih tehnologija
Uloga zena u upravljanju kompanijama Goran Mladenovic Klaster menadzer

3 Ko smo mi 27 uspešnih lokalnih firmi koje posluju u elektro i elektro-mašinskoj industriji kao i industriji informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija. 2 naučno istraživačke institucije. 3 institucije za podršku privredi.

4 Oblasti rada

5 Hronologija 2013 2012 2010, 2011 Sistemski rad po 7 strateških pravaca
Dugoročni planovi sa partnerima i strateška partnerstva 27 firmi članica 2012 Izgradnja odnosa poverenja sa partnerima Ad hoc aktivnosti 20 firmi članica 2010, 2011 SECEP rad, pripremna faza, formalno osnivanje Početak operativnog rada oktobra 13 firmi članica In a moment, we will review the Smart Campaign’s Six Client Protection Principles. First, it’s important to understand the history behind these Principles. The Client Protection Principles have been in development for many years. They reflect ethics and values championed by many industry stakeholder groups. The history of the Principles starts in 2004, when ACCION as a network adopted a Statement of Principles developed by MicroFinance Network (MFN). This Statement of Principles became an early version of the Client Protection Principles. In 2008, microfinance leaders from around the world convened in Pocantico, New York to address harmful practices in microfinance, such as irresponsible lending practices and low transparency in pricing. The resulting Pocantico Declaration expressed the need for a code of conduct governing how microfinance institutions treat their clients. Their deliberations also helped to refine the existing Statement of Principles. [More information on the Poctantico Declaration: Later that year, the Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION convened for a series of dialogue groups around client protection. These dialogue groups produced over 100 suggested indicators for good practice in client protection. Using these suggested indicators, the Center for Financial Inclusion carried out a fourteen-month long research project called “Beyond Codes”. In this project, fourteen MFIs piloted the implementation of pro-client policies and practices and their experience helped solidify the Client Protection Principles, as well as best practice examples of client protection, and ideas for pro-consumer policies and practices. After more dialogue groups, and collaboration with dozens of other institutions and networks, including CGAP, the Center for Financial Inclusion launched the Smart Campaign and a widely accepted set of Client Protection Principles. Hronologija 5

6 Ciljevi Povećanje vrednosti i obima prometa članica klastera na domaćem i međunarodnom tržištu. Jačanje kapaciteta preduzeća za tehnološki razvoj i inovacije i razvoj novih tehnoloških proizvoda i usluga. Promovisanje grada Niša kao povoljne lokacije za poslovanje u oblasti naprednih tehnologija Povecan obrt za 35%, i u 2012 obrt je 12 m EUR, izvoz 300% i u 2012 je 6m EUR Ulaganje u R&D 2012 je 19.75%, sistemski pristup Uskladjen nastup sa Gradom, klaster menadžer u NYC promoviše investicije u ICT, elektroniku i mašinstvo broj zaposlenih porastao za 49% i u 2012 je 520.

7 Uloga zena u upravljanju kompanijama
Goran Mladenovic Klaster menadzer

8 1.Pristup „…vreme je da mi njima dajemo golove...“

9 2. Јеzik „...Izvinite druze sudijnice...“

10 3. Svi smo mi razliciti

11 4.Trend EBRD Golden Seeds Fondovi…

12 5. Ali… "It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World" This is a mans world This is a mans world But it would be nothing,nothing Without a women or a girl…

13 6. Cyberwoman? Velika potreba u sledecih 10 godina Kreativan posao
Neprekidni uspeh I rast Visoka zarada Vece sanse za uspeh

14 7. Ocekivanja „…Ti si cerko tatin sin“

15 8. Vrednovanje Dobar, los, zao

16 9. My way U novom sastavu UO ce biti zena Stalne konsultacije sa Janom
Promovisanje uloge zena u upravljanju kompanijama

17 10. Your way

18 TI si na potezu!!! Hvala Goran.mladenovic@ni-cat.org 062 442 674

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